Fruit and Veggies More Matters Month

Fruit and Veggies More Matters Month

by Posted on: September 3, 2014Categories: LiveWell 24/7   

fruit and veggies








September is Fruit and Veggies More Matters Month! This is an initiative that helps encourage Americans to learn more about eating more fruits and vegetables and learn about the benefits these foods have. The national program is headed by Produce for Better Health Foundation (PBH) which is partnered with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Together they emphasize and education the health benefits of adding more fruits and veggies to your diet. The dietary guidelines currently suggest that Americans fill half their plate with fruits and vegetables for each meal and snacks. The two key things to remember when increasing the amount of fruit and veggies in your diet are to fill your plate half full, as mentioned before, and to eat all forms including fresh, frozen, canned, dried, and 100% juice forms. Adjusting your daily intake of fruits and veggies can greatly affect your health. For example, these foods are rich in vitamins and minerals that help you feel healthy and energized. Also, they can help reduce your risk of diseases such as heart disease, high blood pressure, and some cancers. They also provide a good source of fiber to help keep you full and maintain a healthy digestive system. Other key nutrients they provide include:

  • Calcium which helps keep your bones and teeth healthy
  • Folate which helps decrease chances of brain and spinal cord defects in newborns
  • Magnesium which helps build healthy bones and provides over 300 enzymes
  • Iron which helps maintain healthy blood
  • Potassium which helps maintain a healthy blood pressure
  • Vitamins A & C which keep your eyes, skin, teeth & gums healthy as well as fight infections and heal wounds

As you can see there are several benefits to adding more fruits and vegetables to your diet. These foods are typically quick and easy to grab on the go and they are natural so they don’t take much time to prepare. Next time you sit down for a meal or would like a snack for the road, try adding for fruits and veggies to your plate!

Source: Fruit and Veggies More Matters Month


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