Reduce Your Risk for CVD

Reduce Your Risk for CVD

by Posted on: September 26, 2014Categories: News & Events   






Did you know Cardiovascular Disease (CVD) is the leading cause of death in the world? It is responsible for claiming approximately 17.3 million lives per year and this number is expected to continue increasing in the next few years. However, it is possible to prevent CVD by reducing the risk factors associated with it. There are four main risk factors that contribute to CVD: tobacco use, unhealthy diet, physical inactivity, and inappropriate use of alcohol. All of these are highly modifiable by making changes in personal choices and the environment of the community.

As an individual, you choose what you put into your body, therefore aim to add more nutritional choices to your diet as an alternative to unhealthy food. You also control tobacco and alcohol usage, both of which can have serious health effects beyond CVD. In your community, work to promote a heart healthy environment. Adding smoke-free zones, increasing the availability of healthy food options, providing access to workout facilities and promoting physical education in schools are all ways you can help your community become healthier.

There are several programs and initiatives that promote heart healthy habits to prevent CVD.  Coming up this Monday, September 29th, is World Heart Day which is an intervention against Cardiovascular disease and encourages making these changes in lifestyle and environment. World Heart Day encourages reducing overall risk for CVD and offers information, ideas, and education for people and communities looking to become more heart-healthy. To read more about World Heart Day, visit and sign their petition against Cardiovascular disease!

Source: World Heart Day


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