How To Stay Healthy at Work

How To Stay Healthy at Work

by Posted on: January 15, 2018Categories: LiveWell 24/7   


It’s easy to get sick this time of year, but with so much to do, we don’t want to have to worry about our health. As an employee, staying healthy means fewer missed days, greater productivity, less stress, and fewer bills. When we are in close contact with coworkers, it can be easy for illnesses to spread, so check out these tips on staying healthy at work:


  1. Drink Water: Staying hydrated is great for your immune system, plus it boosts your productivity and energy levels. Keep a large bottle at your desk and refill it throughout the day.
  2. Keep Your Space Clean: You may spend all day at your desk, meaning its full of hundreds of bacteria. Tidy up your desk at the end of each day, and wipe it down with sanitizing wipes, especially at this time of the year.
  3. Wash Your Hands: This is the easiest way to prevent sickness. Always wash your hands after sneezing, coughing, and using the restroom.
  4. Use Hand SanitizerKeep a bottle at your desk for times that you can’t step away from your work to wash your hands.
  5. Eat Well: Plan meals the weekend before, and pack a light, healthy lunch for each day of the work week. Include lean proteins, veggies, and fruit to stay energized the whole day.
  6. Take Breaks Outside: Take a brisk walk around your building, or simply sit outside, relax, and get your daily dose of vitamin D. Spending time outside can help you to regroup and can invigorate you for the rest of the day.
  7. Snack: Keep healthy snacks like nuts, yogurt, and cheese at your desk to help you avoid the vending machine. Eating a healthy snack every two to three hours helps keep your blood sugar steady and your energy levels up.
  8. Limit Caffeine: Drink coffee and other caffeinated beverages in moderation. Drinking more than a cup each morning can increase your risk of a caffeine crash later on. Avoiding large amounts of cream and sugar can help to reduce calorie and sugar intake.

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