BlueCross BlueShield Health Insurance
BlueCross BlueShield Health Insurance Information
Here we have more information from BlueCross BlueShield to help you understand your plan. Important information on prescription drugs, Blue Care on Demand, the treatment cost estimator, added value discounts, and instructional videos.
Blue Cross Blue Shield Information
Added value discounts for a variety of products and services that can enhance the quality of your life, simply by being enrolled in a Blue Cross plan.
Learn more about how a virtual office visit works with Blue CareOnDemand. With this, you have the ability to consult with a doctor at any time, 365 days a year.
Watch videos explaining both Blue Cross information and plan-specific information for your health insurance plans.
Learn about how to determine the cost of care you may receive, including how much of the cost of a procedure goes towards your deductible.
Download the My Health Toolkit app to keep track of claims and other important health insurance documents.
Prescription Drug Information
These prescription drugs require your doctor to get approval before the plan will cover the cost of the medication. This list is current as of October 2020.
Prior authorization may be required through our Specialty Medical Benefit Management program. This list is current as of September 2021.
The drugs on this list must be filled under the pharmacy benefit and are not covered under the medical benefit. This list is current as of September 2021.
This program limits the amount of medication prescribed at one time for certain covered prescriptions. The list is current as of September 2021.
Our pharmacy committee decides exclude some drugs because other safe, effective, less costly alternatives are available. The list is current as of September 2021.
These prescription drugs, normally tier 4, are usually used to treat complex or chronic medical conditions. This list is current as of September 2021.
Only certain members are identified for this program based on where they are currently receiving their specialty drug. This list is current as of September 2021.
Step therapy has you try cost-effective "first-choice" medications before trying more expensive "second-choice" drugs. This list is current as of September 2021.
The drugs on this list are chosen for their clinical value and cost-effectiveness by an independent panel of physicians and pharmacists. The list is current as of September 2021.