CC LG Human Resources

Human Resources

Do you publish newsletters, surveys and other informative publications that are routinely provided to your clients? Please provide samples.

Clarke & Company publishes newsletters and surveys on a weekly basis. We recently had a survey based on HR Risk and another on employee handbooks. We also send legislative briefs to clients on any regulations or laws affecting benefits.

Do you provide employee communications assistance to your clients? If so, please provide examples.

Clarke & Company provides communications materials for employees in several different medians. In paper, we provide a customized employee benefits guide with all of your benefit materials and our contact information.
Online, we build a custom page that houses all of your benefit information, SPDs, benefit guides, certificates of coverage, required notices, and more benefit information.
On your phone, we provide a custom app that has all of your benefit information built into it as well as provider links and forms. The app also has our contact information so that an employee can call us directly with a benefit issue.
Clarke & Company also works with our clients to develop any custom communication pieces they want delivered. We provide the graphic design for these pieces to be approved by the client.

How does Clarke & Company work with HR?

As a local brokerage firm, we believe in hands-on support, education, and communication. Our account managers have a combined 28 years of experience in the insurance industry. When an issue comes to our account managers, the client is provided with a timeline of the estimated completion and will receive step by step communication. Brokers regularly meet with account managers to discuss workflow and activity, and measure productivity. Service activities are documented in our Account Management System, which allows us to view all service activities and time spent in each area. Our system has reporting capabilities that can be provided to the client.

What other services does Clarke & Company provide HR?

Clarke & Company staff is also available on a daily basis to assist in any of these areas. We have a compliance newsletter and blog, and regularly post to social media any updates or changes that would affect employers.
Clarke & Company publishes newsletters and surveys on a weekly basis. We recently had a survey based on HR Risk and another on employee handbooks. We also send legislative briefs to clients on any regulations or laws affecting benefits.
Clarke & Company provides communications materials for employees in several different medians. In paper, we provide a customized employee benefits guide with all of your benefit materials and our contact information.Online, we build a custom page that houses all of your benefit information, SPDs, benefit guides, certificates of coverage, required notices, and more benefit information.
 On your phone, we provide a custom app that has all of your benefit information built in, as well as provider links and forms. The app also has our contact information so that an employee can call us directly with a benefit issue.
 Clarke & Company also works with our clients to develop any custom communication pieces they want delivered. We provide the graphic design for these pieces to be approved by the client.
Clarke & Company provides the following resources:
  • Access to ThinkHR
  • Compliance Calendar
  • Compliance App
  • Legislative Briefs
  • HR Audit
  • Compliance tools that cover HIPAA, ERISA, FMLA, ACA
  • Compliance newsletters
  • Compliance seminars and webinars
  • Access to our staff
  • Access to 28 HR professionals backed by a legal team

Tools, Samples, & Process

Exhibit G-7 HR Support

Exhibit H-8 C&C Audit Checklist 2018

Exhibit E

Exhibit H

Exhibit T

Exhibit K-11 Developing a Benefit Communication Program

Exhibit L-12 Employee Benefits Survey

Exhibit M-13 Sample-12pg-Guide (3)

Exhibit N-14 Total_Compensation_Statement_Packet_Completed_Sample (2)

Exhibit Y

Exhibit Z Health News

Exhibit B

Exhibit E-5 HR Connection Brochure

Exhibit U

Exhibit Z

Links and Resources

HR Support

Compliance Info

Summary Plan Description Info

C&C HR Audit

1 minute HR risk assessment

ThinkHR Info

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