CC Wellness Programs

Wellness Programs

What tools can you provide a client to help implement/continue our wellness program?

Clarke & Company Benefits has invested a significant amount of resources in wellness initiatives over many years. We believe the only way to control health care costs on a long-term basis is through well directed wellness initiatives. The first step is understanding your data and identifying your cost drivers. We accomplish that by focusing attention on our data analytics tools to ensure wellness efforts are based on true claims data. Once that is accomplished our staff will assist the client with employee educational events, structuring incentive programs, health fairs to include biometric screenings, and employee marketing of the programs.
Based on your data, we can target each individual disease profile with a campaign. This campaign is branded to the client and uses your actual claims data and facts to educate employees. We can track the number of employees who actually go out and review the educational material for each disease.

Can you provide examples of low-cost wellness tools?

Clarke & Company publishes a weekly wellness email. This is open to the general public, but we can also customize it to specific clients.
Since the client will have access to claims data, we also will offer a disease education series based on your claims data at no charge. This is an educational campaign designed by our staff to educate employees on a particular disease.
We also work with the health insurance carrier to utilize their internal programs to structure low cost wellness initiatives for our clients, as well as sharing in the cost of rewards cards with clients for wellness contests and events.

How can you help evaluate and refine our wellness program over time?

We can help evaluate your program over time by continuing to track the impact of wellness initiatives on high cost areas. It is our belief that this action item is the most important step in evaluating any wellness program. Return on investment is primarily shown in the impact to high cost driver areas. Refining the wellness program is done by advising our clients on setting up good internal support for the program. It also will involve improving carrier integration. Employers are paying for disease management services, so it only makes sense for the carrier to have the ability to utilize data gathered through wellness initiatives. Our goals are properly setting up wellness committees, branding the wellness program, communicating, and marketing to employees. Making changes to the program as needed over time is a key component to success.

What is your process for measuring the success or failure of a wellness program?

Our process for measuring ROI is by identifying high cost items and tracking the impact of the wellness program on these items over time. Aggregate claims cost can tell some of the Return on Investment story as well.  The ROI boils down to the cost of the wellness program versus the savings or potential savings it generates each year.


Links and Resources

Web Newsletter Diabetes Education Link

 Heart Disease Newsletter Education Link

COPD Newsletter Education Link

Preventive Care Newsletter Education Link


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