More Diabetes Information
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Type 1 Diabetes
Type 2 Diabetes
6 Tips to Prevent Diabetes
Know Your Diabetes Risk
Did You Know?

Diabetes in the US
The Numbers
> 1 in 4 adults don't know they have diabetes
> Risk of death for adults with diabetes is 50% higher than for adults without diabetes
> 1.5 million adults were diagnosed with diabetes in 2015
Risk Factors
> Obesity, physical inactivity, and high blood pressure
> Family History
> Age: 45 and over
CDC Division of Diabetes

What Can You Do? Prevent & Manage!
> Increase exercise levels
> Eat whole grains, fruits, and vegetables
> Lose weight if needed
> Follow a specific meal plan approved by your healthcare provider
> Take prescribed medications and monitor blood glucose levels
> Reduce salt and fat intake
CDC Division of Diabetes
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