You use data every day in your business
Why Not in Your Health Plan?
Data Collection
Clarke and Company Benefits works with several carrier partners to share information between the carrier and our data tool, Decision Master Warehouse.
Decision Master Warehouse
DMW collects your claims data and runs it through their database to give you an up to date claims analysis. In addition, this tool benchmarks your claims data to industry, regional, and state norms, in order to identify cost and utilization disparities.
Data Analysis
Our sophisticated analytics help us dig deep into your real claims data to isolate specific cost drivers that we can address with targeted solutions in order to help manage high health care costs.
Action Plan
Our action plan will focus on specific areas of our client's plan that are driving costs. This could be based on conditions, such as diabetes, or services, such as Emergency Room utilization.
Ongoing Evaluation
Once we have your first report, we can run data every six months to see the impact that any action plan put in place has on your claims and utilization. Even if you switch carriers, your prior carrier information will remain in our system.
The DMW database has over 19 million claimants in the system. Our reports can show how your group's health care claims compare to industry, regional and state norms, in order to identify cost and utilization disparities.
Decision Master Warehouse
We use our own system called DMW, short for Decision Master Warehouse. Our analysts are able to pick up trends and analyze for areas where improvement is needed. No matter what problem we discover, we have a solution and our specialists are ready for the job.

DMW uses Truven Health Analytics Marketscan Database and the Kaiser Family Foundation. The database includes one of the largest claims aggregators, nationally representing several databases and containing fully-integrated inpatient and outpatient medical claims and encounters. The norms are further customized to meet the needs of clients based on location (specific state, region, and national norms).
Incredible Database Numbers
Million Lives
Over 19.6 millions lives in the database to benchmark against.
Billion Paid
Total paid claims in the database are $73.6 billion paid on the 19.6 million lives.
Million Unique Patients
Since 1995, claims data has been compiled from more than 230 million unique patients.