10 Ways to Celebrate Family Health & Fitness Day

10 Ways to Celebrate Family Health & Fitness Day

by Posted on: September 23, 2015Categories: LiveWell 24/7   

This Saturday, September 26th is Family Health & Fitness Day. This holiday is intended to encourage families to engage in physical activity and healthy living together, and it is the perfect opportunity for you and your family to explore your city and find a new hobby you enjoy doing together! Here are ten creative ideas for how you can get active with your family this weekend.

  1. Plan a family scavenger hunt. You can split your family into teams or just see how many items you can find throughout the day in your neighborhood or in nature. You can even plan a grocery store-hunt for healthy ingredients for a delicious dinner.
  2. Take a day trip to go for a hike! Pack a picnic lunch, plenty of water, and visit Hiking in the Carolinas for more information about trails and views near you.
  3. Visit a pumpkin patch or apple orchard. Enjoy the beginning of the beautiful fall weather by picking apples for homemade snacks or finding the perfect pumpkin for your Halloween jack-o-lantern. Volunteer to push the wheelbarrow or carry the basket to torch extra calories!
  4. Create an obstacle course in your backyard. Race around the house, climb a tree, ride bikes to the end of the driveway and back, or even add a sack race at the end.
  5. Start a game of two-hand touch football. Wear team jerseys and rest afterwards by watching your favorite team play on TV. The losing team can do the dishes after dinner!
  6. Learn how to make a kite, or buy one to fly. Keeping your kite afloat on a day without much wind will require a good bit of running, so there will be no shortage of cardio.
  7. Dust off your old roller-blades and go for a spin. This great core exercise is the perfect opportunity to enjoy the crisp fall weather. Don’t forget your helmet and knee pads!
  8. Jump rope or design a massive hopscotch court in your driveway. If you keep hopping continuously, this fun activity can substitute for a fantastic high-intensity interval training workout.
  9. Enjoy the changing leaves and breezy weather while you clean up your garden. Mowing the grass, laying pine straw or mulch, and raking leaves are all fantastic ways to get moving and get your yard looking beautiful for fall.
  10. Get your brain and your body working by twisting and turning through a corn maze! This fun fall activity is will keep you and your family on your toes and help you work together.

Sources: Fitness DayCBS NewsTitle Boxing Center, Hiking in the Carolinas, American Heart Association


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