HR & Compliance

  • Overview of New IRS Reporting Requirements by

    Posted on: May 21, 2015Categories: HR & Compliance

    As part of the employer mandate, new IRS reporting requirements take effect for the first time in 2015 for employers that had 50 or more full-time employees, including full-time equivalents, during 2014. This is a summary overview of the reporting requirements to assist your organization with preparations during 2015.  IRS Forms & Deadlines: The key forms for employers are IRS Form 1094-C (IRS submittal) and IRS Form 1095-C (submittal to full-time employees*). The specific forms and appli ...

  • Overview of New IRS Reporting Requirements by

    Posted on: May 19, 2015Categories: HR & Compliance

    As part of the employer mandate, new IRS reporting requirements take effect for the first time in 2015 for employers that had 50 or more full-time employees, including full-time equivalents, during 2014. This is a summary overview of the reporting requirements to assist your organization with preparations during 2015.  IRS Forms & Deadlines: The key forms for employers are IRS Form 1094-C (IRS submittal) and IRS Form 1095-C (submittal to full-time employees*). The specific forms and appli ...

  • Understanding the Reporting Requirements of the Health Care Law by

    Posted on: May 18, 2015Categories: HR & Compliance

    Under the Affordable Care Act, any entity that provides minimum essential coverage to individuals must report that coverage to the IRS and give the covered individuals information about the coverage to help them when filing their federal tax return. This requirement affects: Health insurance issuers or carriers, The executive department or agency of agovernmental unit providing coverage under agovernment-sponsored program, Plan sponsors of self-insured group health plancoverage, and Sponso ...

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