HR & Compliance

  • Lifetime and Annual Limits (Part 1) by

    Posted on: March 31, 2015Categories: HR & Compliance

    The Affordable Care Act (ACA) prohibits health plans from imposing lifetime and annual limits on the dollar value of essential health benefits. This mandate became effective for plan years beginning on or after Sept. 23, 2010. However, “restricted annual limits” were permitted for essential health benefits for plan years beginning before Jan. 1, 2014. On June 28, 2010, the Departments of Health and Human Services, Labor and the Treasury issued interim final rules regarding the ACA’s prohi ...

  • ACA: Are you an Applicable Large Employer? by

    Posted on: March 30, 2015Categories: HR & Compliance

    Applicable Large Employer Applicable large employers are subject to the employer shared responsibility provisions of the Affordable Care Act and related information reporting requirements. Under the ACA, your organization is an applicable large employer for a year if you had an average of at least 50 full-time employees (including full-time equivalent employees) during the prior year. For this purpose, a full-time employee for any calendar month is an employee who has on average at least 30 hou ...

  • Potential Legal Issues Associated with Workplace Wellness Plans (Part 2) by

    Posted on: March 26, 2015Categories: HR & Compliance

    This provides an overview of potential legal issues related to employer-sponsored wellness plans. The list of issues presented in this article is not exclusive. Wellness programs must be carefully structured to comply with both state and federal laws. To avoid noncompliance, employers should have their legal counsel review their wellness programs before they are rolled out to employees. To read part 1 visit our blog from Tuesday, March 24, 2015.   The Employee Retirement Income Security Ac ...

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