HR & Compliance

  • Moving From a Standard Plan to an HDHP by

    Posted on: January 22, 2015Categories: HR & Compliance

    There is no such thing as a one-size-fits-all health plan. Everyone has different health insurance needs depending on their health care requirements along with those of their dependents. While some prefer standard deductible health insurance (often called a PPO health insurance plan), people are increasingly switching to a High Deductible Health Plan (HDHP) with a Health Savings Account (HSA) as a better way to maximize their health care dollars. Standard Plans vs. HDHPs Standard plans and HDHPs ...

  • January 2015 Health Care Reform by

    Posted on: January 21, 2015Categories: HR & Compliance

    With January 2015 upon us, the employer mandate is now in effect for employer groups with more than 100 lives. Another excise tax that can be imposed on any employer (regardless of the employer size) is the 4980D excise tax. This excise tax can be imposed upon any employer that offers a group health plan that fails to comply with a list of ACA mandated coverage requirements. Not only does this excise tax effect all employer groups, the tax itself is onerous. 4980D of the Internal Revenue Code le ...

  • Patient Protections by

    Posted on: January 20, 2015Categories: HR & Compliance

    Among other reforms, the Affordable Care Act (ACA) imposes three requirements on group health plans and group or individual health insurance coverage that are referred to as “patient protections.” These patient protections relate to the choice of a health care professional and requirements relating to benefits for emergency services, and became effective for plan years beginning on or after Sept. 23, 2010. The ACA’s patient protections do not apply to grandfathered plans. Also, the rules ...

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