HR & Compliance

  • HIPAA Common Questions: Administration (Part 1) by

    Posted on: December 11, 2014Categories: HR & Compliance

    Under HIPAA, can a group health plan reward its employees by charging healthy employees less for health insurance? Although HIPAA generally prohibits group health plans from charging an individual within a group of similarly situated individuals a different premium or contribution for coverage based upon that individual’s health factors, group health plans still have many opportunities to offer financial incentives in order to promote health and prevent disease. Participatory Wellness Progra ...

  • Health Care Reform: Factors Affecting Premium Cost by

    Posted on: December 8, 2014Categories: HR & Compliance

    Prior to the Affordable Care Act (ACA) becoming law, it was common practice for insurance companies to vary the price of premiums based on factors such as health status, demographics, industry and the amount of time someone had been on a plan. These practices are now banned. Beginning Jan. 1, 2014, health insurance companies offering coverage to individuals and small employers are only allowed to vary premiums based on age, family size, geography and tobacco use. Basing premiums on other factor ...

  • HSA Question and Answer Key by

    Posted on: December 4, 2014Categories: HR & Compliance

    True or False: Health Savings accounts (HSAs) are only good for the elderly who have many health problems. False What are examples of qualified medical expenses? Prescription Eyeglasses Surgery for a broken leg Dental exam Cholesterol medication True or False: HSAs allow you to pay medical bills with tax free money. True If you leave your employer, who owns and keeps the HSA? You True or False: There is a time limit for using your HSA funds and you will lose the money in ...

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