HR & Compliance

  • IRS Expands Rules for Mid-Year Election Changes Under Cafeteria Plans (continued) by

    Posted on: September 25, 2014Categories: HR & Compliance

    For the fist part of this article, click here! Conditions for Election Changes Due to Reduction in Hours of Service A cafeteria plan may allow an employee to prospectively revoke an election of coverage under a group health plan if both of the following conditions are met: An employee who was reasonably expected to average at least 30 hours of service per week has a change in employment status so that the employee will reasonably be expected to average less than 30 hours of service per week ...

  • IRS Expands Rules for Mid-Year Election Changes Under Cafeteria Plans by

    Posted on: September 23, 2014Categories: HR & Compliance

    On Sept. 18, 2014, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) issued Notice 2014-55, which expands the situations in which individuals can change their health coverage elections under an Internal Revenue Code (Code) Section 125 cafeteria plan. This guidance will be welcomed by individuals whose ability to enroll in coverage under a Health Insurance Exchange would have been limited by current IRS regulations. The IRS intends to modify the regulations under Code Section 125 to be consistent with this no ...

  • Annual Medicare Part D Notices Are Due by Oct. 14, 2014 by

    Posted on: September 22, 2014Categories: HR & Compliance

    Quick Facts:  Medicare Part D imposes disclosure requirements on employers with group health plans that provide prescription drug coverage to Medicare-eligible individuals.  Plan sponsors must provide the annual Medicare Part D creditable coverage disclosure notices to individuals before Oct. 15, 2014.  Model notices are available for employers to use Employers with group health plans that provide prescription drug coverage to individuals who are eligible for coverage under Medicare ...

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