HR & Compliance

  • July 2013 Health Care Reform by

    Posted on: July 3, 2013Categories: HR & Compliance

    In a surprise, The Treasury announced on July 2nd that the employer mandate of the ACA will be delayed until January 1, 2015. What does this mean for employers?  For 50+ employers, the reporting and penalty provisions of the mandate, “Pay or Play”, will take effect in 2015 and will not apply for 2014. The delay only applies to the mandate, the other provisions of the law remain in effect, and the exchanges, or health insurance marketplaces,  are still scheduled to open on October 1, 2013 ...

  • Greenwood Chamber Meeting by

    Posted on: June 18, 2013Categories: HR & Compliance

    Clarke & Company Benefits has posted the PowerPoint for the June 18th Greenwood Chamber Meeting, “The Path to Compliance”. You can access the PowerPoint here and also the Clarke & Company webinars & materials on “Pay or Play, The Employers Mandate” , “The Individual Mandate”, and “What We Know Today as We Race to 2014”. This page is password protected and please use the password you were given in the meeting. Click here to view the Health Care Reform presentations If ...

  • June 2013 Health Care Reform by

    Posted on: June 4, 2013Categories: HR & Compliance

    Final Rules on Workplace Wellness Programs Released The Affordable Care Act (ACA) includes provisions to encourage appropriately designed, consumer-protective wellness programs in group health coverage. Effective for plan years beginning on or after Jan. 1, 2014, ACA essentially codifies the existing HIPAA nondiscrimination requirements for health-contingent wellness programs, while also increasing the maximum reward that can be offered under these programs. On May 29, 2013, the Departments of ...

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