LiveWell 24/7

  • Health Is Where The Heart Is by

    Posted on: February 17, 2016Categories: LiveWell 24/7

    February is American Heart Month, a month intended to bring awareness to the number one cause of death among American men and women: cardiovascular disease, better known as CVD or heart disease. CVD results from plaque buildup in and hardening of the arteries, or the muscular tubes in your circulatory system that transport all blood from your heart to various parts of your body. When plaque buildup occurs in the arteries, it becomes increasingly difficult for blood to travel through, putting ...

  • Relieving Your Headaches by

    Posted on: February 11, 2016Categories: LiveWell 24/7

      Different types of headaches can have different effects on your ability to go about your daily routine. Some headaches are recurring, many can be relieved with natural remedies, and some should be treated by your physician. Refer to these common symptoms and treatment methods to treat the type of headache you are experiencing. The most common type of headaches are tension headaches. These often feel like a general pressing feeling around the head and temples and can be treated eff ...

  • Your Vitamin Questions Answered by

    Posted on: February 1, 2016Categories: LiveWell 24/7

    We've heard that an apple a day keeps the doctor away, but what does the doctor say about daily multivitamins? Studies are conducted constantly to determine which vitamin supplements are beneficial for overall health based on an individual's age and gender and what detrimental effects could result from consuming excessive amounts. According to the American Heart Association, the best way to fuel your body with the 13 vitamins your body needs to function efficiently is through a healthy, ba ...

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