LiveWell 24/7

  • 10-minute Workouts by

    Posted on: January 28, 2015Categories: LiveWell 24/7

                    If you lack motivation for a 5-mile run or an hour workout session in the gym, new research reveals good news for you. Recent studies show that short but intense bouts of exercise can deliver fitness benefits. What does this mean for you and your fading New Year’s resolution to get into better shape? If you don’t have the time for lengthy workouts, you can reap benefits from short spurts of exercise—the catch is that that s ...

  • Take Care of Your Eyes by

    Posted on: January 21, 2015Categories: LiveWell 24/7

                  February is Low Vision Awareness Month, highlighting the importance of taking care of your eyes and catching problems before you lose vision. Aside from annual eye exams, you can protect your eyes on a daily basis with a few healthy choices. Eat right. Eating a healthy diet is as important for your eyes as it is for the rest of your body. A few foods that are especially good for eye health include vegetables such as spinach, kale and col ...

  • What is Your Neighborhood’s Walkability Score? by

    Posted on: January 14, 2015Categories: LiveWell 24/7

                What is walkability? It is the measure of how friendly an area is to walking which creates a more livable built environment. For example, someone who lives in an apartment in New York City probably has a walkability score than someone who lives in a rural setting away from a city. This is because the New Yorker has access to more amenities in walking distance than the rural person. Amenities include things like grocery stores, parks, restaurants, ...

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