LiveWell 24/7

  • 10 Healthy Holiday Gifts by

    Posted on: December 10, 2013Categories: LiveWell 24/7

    The holiday season is upon us, and you may still have a few names left on your shopping list. Give more than a gift this season – give something that can promote good health at the same time. Here are 10 ideas that may help make healthy living easier or more fun: 1. The video-game lover: Xbox Kinect. ($199 to $250) The Kinect has motion-activated sensors so you can play video games without a controller — they can, after all, cause injuries. Instead of sitting in a chair, you can g ...

  • Simple Sitting Adjustments for Less Back Pain by

    Posted on: November 12, 2013Categories: LiveWell 24/7

    Americans spend a lot of time sitting – working on computers, watching TV, commuting to work, and more. Americans also spend a lot of time and money at the doctor’s office due to back pain – about $50 billion each year. According to the American Chiropractors Association, back pain is the second most common reason for visits to the doctor's office after upper-respiratory infections. Is there a connection between so much sitting and back pain? Possibly. Chiropractor John J. Triano says that ...

  • 6 Jobs that Burn the Most Calories by

    Posted on: November 5, 2013Categories: LiveWell 24/7

    The American College of Sports Medicine recommends 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise each week for most adults. Exercise has been linked with the reduction of stress, improvement in sleep, and weight loss. With many of us in sedentary jobs and juggling outside activities such as school, children and errands, it can feel like exercise is impossible to squeeze in. Take a fun look at the most active jobs in America. 1. Personal Trainer and Fitness Instructor No surprise here. Personal ...

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