LiveWell 24/7

  • Get the Facts on Fiber by

    Posted on: September 26, 2013Categories: LiveWell 24/7

    You have probably heard that fiber is great for digestion and can reduce your cholesterol. But did you know that it can also help with weight management by making you feel fuller? Fiber can also aid in the treatment of constipation, hemorrhoids, diverticulitis and irritable bowel syndrome while reducing your risk for type-2 diabetes, heart disease and some cancers. So, what is fiber? Fiber is indigestible carbohydrate found in plant foods. What foods contain fiber? Fiber is only found in foo ...

  • Hydrating with Sport Drinks by

    Posted on: September 24, 2013Categories: LiveWell 24/7

    Sports drinks have an image that may be confusing for many. In advertisements, these drinks are the beverages of extremely fit athletes, giving the impression that sports drinks promote and maintain health. While on the other hand, numerous organizations like the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention lump sports drinks in with other sugary beverages like soda, juice and energy drinks, and ask that you stop consuming them because the ...

  • Benefits of Using Dental Floss by

    Posted on: September 17, 2013Categories: LiveWell 24/7

    Add flossing to your daily dental routine and you’ll experience a cleaner, healthier smile. Most people either forget about flossing or put it low on their list of priorities because they are unaware of the importance or unsure how to do it correctly. But flossing helps clean the gaps between your teeth so that you're less likely to get gum infections or cavities from bacteria build-up. And with improved dental health, you may avoid the large bills that come with expensive dental procedures. T ...

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