LiveWell 24/7

  • Why You Shouldn’t Skip Meals by

    Posted on: January 21, 2013Categories: LiveWell 24/7

    Sometimes your busy schedule leaves you with little to no time to eat, so you end up skipping meals. Then there are the people who are trying to lose weight and think skipping meals is the answer. The truth is, skipping meals does more harm than good. Below are the reason you shouldn't skip breakfast, lunch or dinner. You end up overeating Starving yourself all day or not making time to eat three meals a day or snacks in between will leave you hungry and more likely to overindulge in the evenin ...

  • The 3 Most Important Fat Loss Questions by

    Posted on: January 16, 2013Categories: LiveWell 24/7

    As we enter a New Year, fat loss becomes a number one priority for many people. That’s the good news. The only problem? There’s a lot of confusion on exactly how one should go about ditching that excess flab. Here are three common – and very important – fat loss questions, along with answers that should set the record straight. Do I have to exercise to lose weight? When it comes to fat loss, regardless of the type of diet you choose, calories matter –and you need to be in a calorie def ...

  • High Flu Activity Continues Nationwide by

    Posted on: January 14, 2013Categories: LiveWell 24/7

    One reason for the high flu activity this season may be the specific flu strains that are circulating. The most prevalent strain making the rounds this season is influenza, A (H3N2). Typically, flu seasons in which this strain dominates are more severe, and result in a higher number of hospitalizations and deaths, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The flu season also started early this year — the first week of December instead of the usual January or Feb ...

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