FAQS on Affordable Care Act Implementation (Part I)

FAQS on Affordable Care Act Implementation (Part I)

by Posted on: January 6, 2015Categories: HR & Compliance   

The initial FAQs cover issues related to general compliance, grandfathered plans, appeals process requirements, dependent coverage of adult children, out-of-network emergency services and discrimination in favor of highly-compensated employees.


Q1: Under the Affordable Care Act, there are various provisions that apply to group health plans and health insurance issuers and various protections and benefits for consumers that are beginning to take effect or that will become effective very soon. What is the Departments’ basic approach to implementation?

The Departments (of Labor, Treasury and Health and Human Services) are working together with employers, issuers, states, providers and other stakeholders to help them come into compliance with the new law and are working with families and individuals to help them understand the new law and benefit from it, as intended. Compliance assistance is a high priority for the Departments. Our approach to implementation is and will continue to be marked by an emphasis on assisting (rather than imposing penalties on) plans, issuers and others that are working diligently and in good faith to understand and come into compliance with the new law. This approach includes, where appropriate, transition provisions, grace periods, safe harbors, and other policies to ensure that the new provisions take effect smoothly, minimizing any disruption to existing plans and practices.

Grandfathered Health Plans

Q2: After the interim final regulations on grandfathered health plans were issued, some issuers commented that they do not always have the information needed to know whether (or when) an employer plan sponsor changes its rate of contribution towards the cost of group health plan coverage. (Generally, the interim final regulations provide that a group health plan or health insurance coverage will cease to be a grandfathered health plan if the employer decreases its contribution rate based on cost of coverage towards the cost of coverage by more than 5 percentage points below the contribution rate on March 23, 2010.)

For purposes of determining whether an insured group health plan is a grandfathered health plan, what steps should issuers and employer plan sponsors take to communicate regarding changes to the plan sponsor’s contribution rate?

The Departments have determined that, until the issuance of final regulations, they will not treat an insured group health plan that is a grandfathered plan as having ceased to be a grandfathered health plan immediately based on a change in the employer contribution rate if the employer plan sponsor and issuer take the following steps:

  • Upon renewal, an issuer requires a plan sponsor to make a representation regarding its contribution rate for the plan year covered by the renewal, as well as its contribution rate on March 23, 2010 (if the issuer does not already have it); and
  • The issuer’s policies, certificates, or contracts of insurance disclose in a prominent and effective manner that plan sponsors are required to notify the issuer if the contribution rate changes at any point during the plan year.

For policies renewed prior to Jan. 1, 2011, issuers should take these steps no later than Jan. 1, 2011. If these steps are taken, an insured group health plan that is a grandfathered health plan will continue to be considered a grandfathered health plan.

The relief in this Q&A2 will no longer apply as of the earlier of the first date on which the issuer knows that there has been at least a five-percentage-point reduction or the first date on which the plan no longer qualifies for grandfathered status without regard to the five-percentage-point reduction.

Moreover, nothing in the Affordable Care Act or the interim final regulations prevents a policy, certificate or contract of insurance from requiring a plan sponsor to notify an issuer in advance (for example, 30 or 60 days in advance) of a change in the contribution rate.

Q3: Similarly, multiemployer plans do not always know whether (or when) a contributing employer changes its contribution rate as a percentage of the cost of coverage. What steps should multiemployer plans take to communicate with contributing employers regarding employer contributions towards coverage?

If multiemployer plans and contributing employers follow steps similar to those outlined in Q&A2, above, the same relief will apply to the multiemployer plan unless or until the multiemployer plan knows that the contribution rate has changed.

Q4: Also with respect to multiemployer plan coverage, some multiemployer plans have stated that it is common for such plans to have either a fixed-dollar employee contribution or no employee contribution towards the cost of coverage. In such cases, is it relevant if a contributing employer’s contribution rate changes (for example, after making up a funding deficit in the prior year or to reflect a surplus), provided any changes in the coverage terms would not otherwise cause the plan to cease to be grandfathered and there continues to be no employee contribution or no increase in the fixed-dollar employee contribution towards the cost of coverage?

In this circumstance, if there is no increase in the employee contribution towards coverage and any changes in the coverage terms would not otherwise cause the plan to cease to be grandfathered, a change in a contributing employer’s contribution rate will not, in and of itself, cause a plan that is otherwise a grandfathered health plan to cease to be a grandfathered health plan.

Q5: Are the Departments receiving other comments and questions regarding the grandfather regulations? Is more guidance expected?

The Departments invited comments on their interim final grandfather regulations, as well as on the appeals regulations and other provisions whose applicability is affected by status as a grandfathered health plan. The Departments have issued some sub-regulatory guidance on the appeals regulations and will continue to review and evaluate comments on these and other regulations, and might issue further sub-regulatory guidance on selected issues as comments are evaluated. Final regulations on the various interim final regulations recently issued under the Affordable Care Act are expected to be published beginning next year.

Q6: Will the Departments change the current rules so that a grandfathered group health plan that changes carriers does not relinquish its status as a grandfathered health plan?

The Departments anticipate that they will shortly address the circumstances under which grandfathered group health plans may change carriers without relinquishing their status as grandfathered health plans.

Note: The regulations initially provided that changing insurance companies or policies would cause a health plan to lose grandfathered plan status. However, on Nov. 15, 2010, the Departments released an amended rule. Under the amendment, a group health plan will not lose grandfathered status merely because of a change in the plan’s insurance policy, certificate or contract of insurance, as long as the coverage under the new policy is effective on or after Nov. 15, 2010. Also, to maintain grandfathered status, the plan must provide documentation of the prior plan’s terms to the new issuer.


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