A Healthy Take on Your Tailgate

A Healthy Take on Your Tailgate

by Posted on: November 8, 2017Categories: LiveWell 24/7   


It’s tailgating season again! Whether you’re cheering on your college team or NFL team, it’s easy to throw a safe and healthy tailgate to prep for the game. Take a look at the following tips on tailgate safety to make sure that your game day goes uninterrupted.

  1. Grill Safety: Place your grill at least 6 feet away from any cars and never grill on your vehicle. Never leave your grill unattended and keep children and pets at a safe distance. Always keep a fire extinguisher on hand in case of an emergency.
  2. Food Safety: Don’t rush your food off of the grill. Use a food thermometer to make sure that meat is cooked fully to the recommended temperatures. Place food off the grill on a clean platter and do not reuse a dish that was previously holding raw meat. Keep all hot foods at a temperature of at least 140 degrees. Throw away any perishable food items after your tailgate.
  3. Road Safety: Be sure to designate a driver at the beginning of the day so that everyone gets home safely. Ride-sharing apps like Uber and Lyft are always safe bets on game day, but be prepared to pay surge rates at busy times.
  4. Sun Safety: Game days in the south are hot and sunny, so be sure to pack sunscreen and to stay hydrated with plenty of water.
  5. Hide Valuables: Make sure to lock your car and keep your valuables out of sight when you head into the game.

Stay safe and enjoy the game!

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