Help Solve Childhood Obesity

Help Solve Childhood Obesity

by Posted on: September 21, 2012Categories: LiveWell 24/7   

There is no single or simple solution to the  childhood obesity epidemic, but learn what states, communities, and parents can  do to help make the healthy choice the easy choice for children, adolescents,  and their families.

States and communities can–

  • Assess  their retail food environment to better understand the current landscape and  differences in accessibility to healthier foods.
  • Provide  incentives to existing supermarkets and farmers’ markets to establish their  businesses in low-income areas or to sell healthier foods.
  • Expand  programs that bring local fruits and vegetables to schools.
  • Put  salad bars in schools.
  • Adopt  standards for child care licensing that reduce the availability of less healthy  foods and sugar drinks, and limit screen time.
  • Enroll  elementary, middle, and high schools in USDA’s Team Nutrition program and apply  for certification through the HealthierUS School Challenge.
  • Increase  access to free drinking water and limit the sale of sugar drinks in schools by  establishing school wellness and nutrition policies.
  • Support breastfeeding in  hospitals and the workplace.
  • Create and maintain safe  neighborhoods for physical activity and improve access to parks and  playgrounds.
  • Support quality daily physical education in schools  and daily physical activity in child care facilities.

Parents can–

  • Follow the advice of the American  Academy of Pediatrics and limit media time for kids to no more than 1 to 2  hours of quality programming per day whether at home, school or child care.
  • Visit the child care centers to see if they serve healthier foods and drinks, and limit TV and  video time.
  • Work with schools to limit foods and  drinks with added sugar, fat and salt that can be purchased outside the school  lunch program.
  • Provide plenty of fruits and  vegetables, limit foods high in fat and sugar, and prepare healthier foods at  family meals.
  • Serve your family water instead of  sugar drinks.
  • Make sure your child gets physical  activity each day.

-Centers for Disease Control and Prevention


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