HSA Question and Answer Key

HSA Question and Answer Key

by Posted on: December 4, 2014Categories: HR & Compliance   
  1. True or False: Health Savings accounts (HSAs) are only good for the elderly who have many health problems.
    • False
  2. What are examples of qualified medical expenses?
    • Prescription Eyeglasses
    • Surgery for a broken leg
    • Dental exam
    • Cholesterol medication
  3. True or False: HSAs allow you to pay medical bills with tax free money.
    • True
  4. If you leave your employer, who owns and keeps the HSA?
    • You
  5. True or False: There is a time limit for using your HSA funds and you will lose the money in the account if it’s not used by the end of the year.
    • False
  6. Who can make contributions to your HSA?
    • Your company and you
  7. True or False: You must have a high deductible health plan (HDHP) in order to contribute to an HSA.
    • True
  8. Money can accrue in your account from:
    • Salary deferral
    • Interest earned on the account balance
    • Employer contributions
    • Rollover of previous years’ unused amounts


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