National Poison Prevention Week: March 17-23

National Poison Prevention Week: March 17-23

by Posted on: March 19, 2013Categories: LiveWell 24/7   

Poisoning is now the number one cause of injury death, killing even more people than car accidents. Poisoning are more common- and more deadly- than most of us realize. The good news is that poisonings are preventable and treatable. The Poison Help line 1-800-222-1222 will connect you to your local poison center. There are nurses, pharmacists, doctors, and poison experts that are available to help you 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. They are there to give you free advice from how to handle an emergency to how to protect your family from poison danger.

How Common is Poisoning?
-Drug related poisonings cause nearly 700,000 visits to hospital emergency rooms each year.
-Poisonings cause more than 35,000 deaths each year.

Who’s at Risk?
-Young people are the most likely to be poisoned, with children under age six accounting for half of all poison exposures.
-92% of poisoning deaths occur among people over the age of 20.

The Top 5 Causes of Poisoning: 
-Cosmetic or personal products
-Household cleaning products
-Sedatives, hypnotics, and anti-psychotics medicine
-Foreign bodies, toys, and other objects

What Can You Do?
Call the Poison Help line, 1-800-222-1222, if someone you know may have been poisoned or just to ask a question.
-Call 911 is someone is unconscious of has trouble breathing.
-Program the Poison Help line into your cell and home phones.
-Share this information with family & friends

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