Reducing Holiday Stress

Reducing Holiday Stress

by Posted on: December 24, 2014Categories: LiveWell 24/7   









Merry Christmas Eve! Christmas is typically one of the most stressful times of the year because of the expense of buying gifts, pressure of last minute shopping, and family can even make things more stressful. If you are still feeling stressed about the holidays here are some helpful tips to reduce your “Christmas stress”.

If you are still doing some last minute shopping, make a list of all the gifts you need to buy before going out so that you aren’t aimlessly shopping around for hours. It’s better to do your Christmas shopping early though to prevent stress. For next year you can plan a budget for Christmas to reduce the cost and to prepare yourself ahead of time.

Many people become easily stressed over the Christmas lunch or dinner they need to prepare. If you have family in town, ask them to help with certain tasks so you aren’t doing it all by yourself. Keeping the meal simple and purchasing ingredients in advance can help too.

Family is enjoyable around the Holiday season but they can cause stress at the same time. It is better to prepare yourself ahead of time for any tension that may occur. If certain family members bicker all year long it is likely Christmas time would be no different. You can avoid known triggers such as touchy subjects and plan activities for the family which will reduce the chances of getting into arguments.

It is also important to watch your general health and wellbeing. By taking care of yourself you will be less likely to feel as stressed. Make sure you get enough sleep, keep moving, and try to be moderate with food and alcohol. Remember to not let stress get the best of you and enjoy the holidays!

Source: Better Health


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