LiveWell 24/7

  • The Scoop on Sleep by

    Posted on: August 27, 2014Categories: LiveWell 24/7

      Everyone needs sleep every night because it keeps our mind and body healthy. The quantity and the quality of sleep are both very important because how well rested we feel the next day and our functioning depends on it. Sleep is important for us in several different ways. First, getting enough sleep can help keep us from getting sick from short term illnesses. However, it can also help decrease the risk for high blood pressure, diabetes and heart disease. Sleeping well increases the lik ...

  • Effects of Stress on Your Health by

    Posted on: August 20, 2014Categories: LiveWell 24/7

    Stress is a normal part of everyone’s life that forces the body to adjust to any change. The body reacts physically mentally and emotionally to these changes. Although it is normal to experience stress, it can actually take a toll on your health. While sometimes stress is positive such as keeping us alert to avoid danger, it is commonly negative because it prevents us from relaxing. Stress causes people to become overworked and stress-related tension begins to build up. Although it may not be ...

  • Deskercise- Exercises for the Workplace by

    Posted on: August 13, 2014Categories: LiveWell 24/7

      Desk jobs tend to have a negative effect on our health. Generally people with desk jobs experience weight gain, increased strain on their neck and back, loss of muscle tone and stress. However, just because you are stuck in an office doesn’t mean you can’t improve your fitness level and heart health in small ways. There are several different exercises designed for the office that you can do to combat the negative effects on your health. Here are a few you can try next time you are ...

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