LiveWell 24/7

  • 5 Ways To Stay Cool by

    Posted on: July 22, 2013Categories: LiveWell 24/7

    For those of us interested in affordability and sustainability, the thought of huge summer cooling bills (and all the greenhouse emissions they cause) is enough to send a chill down the spine. You've probably already heard the basics of summertime energy management: keep your air conditioner filters clean, make sure your weather stripping is tight, draw the drapes during the heat of the day, and avoid the use of big heat-creating appliances like ovens  and ranges whenever possible. But there ...

  • Safer Ways To Prevent Bites by

    Posted on: July 15, 2013Categories: LiveWell 24/7

    By now I'm sure you've noticed, we're in for a buggier summer than usual. Pests that usually would have died in the cold instead spent the unseasonably warm winter months breeding and waiting to feast. Mosquitoes can carry threatening diseases like malaria, West Nile and encephalitis, but only 29 percent of people say they fear mosquitoes for health reasons, according to a recent survey.  Nearly 60 percent, however, say they fear mosquitos because of the itch. Still, we're not about to l ...

  • Choosing the Correct Footwear by

    Posted on: July 10, 2013Categories: LiveWell 24/7

    What’s the one piece of workout gear you can’t live without? Your iPod? A good water bottle? The single most important piece of equipment to virtually any kind of exercise program -- running, aerobics, hiking, tennis, basketball -- is the right pair of shoes. A good pair of shoes can make or break your workout, and it’s easy to go wrong. Runner's World has compiled a great search engine designed to find you the perfect shoe. The right footwear can greatly reduce your chances of inju ...

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