Holiday Fitness Guide

Holiday Fitness Guide

by Posted on: December 8, 2015Categories: LiveWell 24/7   

Don’t wait until the New Year to start accomplishing your fitness goals! There are a number of ways you can power through the holiday season with a fantastic fitness schedule. Continuing, or beginning, an exercise routine can boost your immunity, mood, and energy level as you enjoy the most wonderful time of the year, so lace up those tennis shoes and check out these simple ways to stay fit this December.

If you have family coming into town:

  • Decorate your home! Climbing stairs to unload decorations from your attic, lifting a Christmas tree, and securing heavy wreaths and garland is a fun and productive way to break a sweat and prepare your home for company.
  • Plan activities for your guests. Take your family to visit a local hiking trail, river walk, or bike tour of your neighborhood. If you have energetic little ones visiting, plan a series of fun obstacle courses, relay races, or flag football games and join in the fun!
  • Get moving in the kitchen. If you enjoy cooking for your family and friends, incorporate calorie-torching moves into your time in front of the counter. Do you need to microwave for two minutes? Do jumping jacks until the timer goes off. Does your recipe call for eight ingredients? Do five squats for each component you add.
  • Shop with extra spring in your step. Load your cart with heavy items, take the stairs instead of the elevators, and park in the very back of the lot.

If you’re going to be travelling:

  • Explore the new terrain. If you are visiting family out of town, ask them to give you a walking tour of their favorite part of the city. If you are visiting a place with a significantly different climate, be sure to call ahead of time to prepare with appropriate fitness gear!
  • Get your heart rate up on pit stops. If you’re driving a long distance, crank out 50 jumping jacks or a series of sprints whenever you stop for gas or a bathroom break.
  • Find a short but effective workout routine that can be completed anywhere without equipment. Complete a 5-10 minute circuit as soon as you wake up or right before bed.
  • Instead of catching up with family while mindlessly munching on leftovers, have a one-on-one conversation over a post-meal walk around the neighborhood. Studies show that your conversations flow more freely when you are engaging in a productive task like exercise, and it is a fantastic way to rack up steps for the day.
  • Register for a race ahead of time. Find a race in the city you are visiting and register ahead of time. Your family can join in the fun with you or simply cheer you on!

Sources: Women’s Health, Active, Running in the USA, Examiner


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