LiveWell 24/7

  • Five Skills of Fitness by

    Posted on: February 18, 2015Categories: LiveWell 24/7

                    1. Knowledge This is the evidence based understanding behind training and nutrition. Proper knowledge allows for a better understanding of how to execute a plan. You can improve knowledge in several ways such as reading scientific research articles or learning first hand from an expert. However, be aware that knowledge has often been known for misleading people so it is important to make sure the information is factual.   ...

  • Paleo Diet by

    Posted on: February 11, 2015Categories: LiveWell 24/7

                    The modern diet nowadays consists of refined food, trans fat and sugar which over time result in negative health outcomes and diseases. In contrast the paleo diet focuses on consuming foods such as fruits, vegetables, lean meats, seafood, nuts, seeds and healthy fats. In general, the paleo diet is a based on the types of foods presumed to have been eaten by early humans. Therefore many of the foods typically consumed today are avo ...

  • What is Your Real Age? by

    Posted on: February 4, 2015Categories: LiveWell 24/7

                        Realage® Test is a questionnaire that asks roughly 130 questions about your family history and lifestyle to determine your true biological age compared to your chronological age. The test adjusts your actual age according to your answers to the questions and it is simple, yet thorough, and easy to complete. When you have completed the test, it will tell you your biological age and present a personalized growth pla ...

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